Becky Turner, Principal Research Fellow in Statistical Methods

Becky is a statistician working in trials methodology. Becky joined the Unit in 2017 after working at the MRC Biostatistics Unit in Cambridge for 15 years. In 2002 she gained a PhD from Imperial College London on Bayesian methods for cluster randomised trials.

She has a particular interest in developing and applying Bayesian methods within clinical trials and meta-analyses, to make use of relevant external information. Recent projects include borrowing information across subgroups within a trial, using evidence from an adult trial to inform a corresponding paediatric trial, and incorporating external information on between-study heterogeneity in meta-analysis.

Another current interest is statistical methods for trials with a personalised randomised controlled trial (PRACTical) design, which is applicable in clinical settings without an accepted standard of care. Other research interests include meta-analysis, network meta-analysis and cluster randomised trials.

Becky teaches on the MSc Statistics for Clinical Trials at UCL and is co-lead for the Statistical Inference and Models module.

Selected publications

Turner RM, Clements MN, Quartagno M, Cornelius V, Cro S, Ford D, Tweed CD, Walker AS, White IR. Practical approaches to Bayesian sample size determination in non-inferiority trials with binary outcomes. Statistics in Medicine 2023 Publisher URL

Lee KM, Turner RM, Thwaites GE, Walker AS, White IR. The Personalized Randomised Controlled Trial: evaluation of a new design. Statistics in Medicine 2023 Publisher URL

Turner RM, Turkova A, Moore CL, Bamford A, Archary M, Barlow-Mosha LN, Cotton MF, Cressey TR, Kaudha E, Lugemwa A, Lyall H, Mujuru HA, Mulenga V, Musiime V, Rojo P, Tudor-Williams G, Welch SB, Gibb DM, Ford D, White IR, ODYSSEY Trial Team. Borrowing information across patient subgroups in clinical trials, with application to a paediatric trial. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2022 Publisher URL

Walker A, White IR, Turner R, Yang HL, Wen YT, White N, Sharland M, Thwaites G. Personalised randomised controlled trial designs - a new paradigm to define optimal treatments for carbapenem-resistant infections. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2021 Publisher URL

White IR, Turner RM, Karahalios A, Salanti G. A comparison of arm-based and contrast-based models for network meta-analysis. Statistics in Medicine 2019 Publisher URL


Research Interests

  • Bayesian methods for clinical trials and meta-analysis
  • Statistical methods for meta-analysis and network meta-analysis
  • Personalised randomised controlled trial designs

Research Areas

UCL Profiles